When and where is UTMUN 2025 taking place?

UTMUN 2025 is taking place from Thursday, February 6th, 2025 to Sunday, February 9th, 2025.

Is UTMUN exclusively for high school students?

Yes. UTMUN is a conference organized by University of Toronto students for high school delegates. UTMUN encourages University of Toronto students interested in participating to apply to be conference staff.

Is there a maximum delegation size?

Due to the growing popularity of UTMUN and limited delegate spots, we are capping the size of delegations at 40 delegates per school.

How many delegates constitute a "small delegation" and a "large delegation"?

For logistical purposes (and for the purpose of Delegation Award distribution), 15 or fewer delegates will constitute a small delegation.

How many awards are there per committee?

Each committee will present at least four awards: (1) Best Delegate, (1) Outstanding Delegate, (1-3) Honourable Mention and (1) Best Position Paper. At the discretion of the Director of the committee and depending on the size of the committee, it is possible for a committee to distribute more than one Honourable Mention award. It is also possible for delegates to win more than one award should they win either a Best Delegate, Outstanding Delegate or Honourable Mention in addition to winning a Best Position Paper award.

What are the criteria for winning awards?

The Directors of each committee are the individuals charged with choosing the recipients of delegate awards. While each committee Director is given discretion in their criteria, there is a predetermined rubric they are expected to abide by in selecting delegate awards. The guidelines generally consist of the following: quality of contribution to debate, knowledge of topic, adherence to rules of procedure, quality of resolution/directive drafting, and composure.

Will refreshments for the conference be provided?

No. We encourage delegates to explore the many dining options around Toronto. There will be reception-style food and drinks at the Delegate Social. 

At other MUN conferences, delegates use resolutions written prior to the conference. Why does UTMUN discourage the use of pre-written resolutions?

The reason for this is that we encourage the delegates to negotiate and compromise with fellow delegates to draft resolutions after debating the issues in committee sessions. UTMUN believes that having pre-written resolutions severely limits the scope of debate to the content of the resolution and limits the capacity of delegates to fully exercise their negotiation skills. Furthermore, UTMUN believes that resolutions should emerge from formal debate without any artificial restrictions imposed upon the scope of debate that would otherwise be present in the use of a pre-written resolution. The active and interactive drafting of resolutions during the conference lends itself to a dynamic that is more conducive to successful diplomatic negotiations being held between delegates.

More questions? Contact us at with any questions or concerns that have not been addressed above.