delegate handbook
Delegate Handbook 2025
What is the delegate handbook?
The delegate handbook acts as a passport for the delegates, it includes all important links, points of contact, resources, information about the conference, and more! If you have any questions about what you should be doing, or where you should be at any point during the conference, then this should be the first thing you check!
Secretary General Welcome Address:
Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors, Staff, and Partners,
I am overjoyed to invite you to the 18th iteration of the University of Toronto Model United Nations conference! My name is Keerat Gill, and I am humbled to serve as the Secretary-General of this historic and esteemed conference. On behalf of the entire Secretariat, I am eager to welcome you to this year's event for what we are sure will be a memorable experience for all.
UTMUN has long been committed to providing a safe, informative and innovative learning environment where delegates may debate passionately and collaborate productively. At our conference, delegates immerse themselves in the worlds of international politics and approach complex questions of global significance with compassion and curiosity. From our diverse committee topics, to our engaging delegate events, and ongoing mission to provide enrichment and opportunity to students, UTMUN is a space where everyone—irrespective of background, experience, or interests—is made welcome to learn, grow and find community.
Both during and after committee sessions, I hope our attendees explore, experience, and indulge in the creative liberties that Model UN allows. I sincerely encourage delegates to seize the opportunity to develop skills, friendships, and memories while joining us at UTMUN in February 2025. Travel through history, create foreign policy, and unravel the world's mysteries. Delegates, the world is your oyster, and may UTMUN be your stage.
The conference you experience is due in no small part to the incredible effort showcased by the UTMUN Secretariat and committee staff. We are privileged to have some of the most brilliant, talented, and passionate individuals from the University of Toronto curating this monumental event for our attendees. I have no doubt you will feel the love, care and attention that they’ve invested into our conference.
I am absolutely thrilled for what we have in store for you for UTMUN 2025. Until then, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at sg@utmun.org.
Warmest Regards,
Keerat Gill
UTMUN 2025 Secretary-General
Website: www.utmun.org
Instagram: @utmun
Address: University of Toronto Model United Nations, Room 404, 21 Sussex Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5S 1J6
The Secretariat:
Secretary General — Keerat Gill: sg@utmun.org
Academics Branch:
Under-Secretary-General of Academics — Cindy Zhu: academics@utmun.org
Director of General Assemblies — Pranav Chaturvedi: ga@utmun.org
Director of Economic and Social Councils & Regional Bodies — Rameen Azmat: ecosoc@utmun.org
Director of Specialized Agencies — Isabella Perdigon: specialized@utmun.org
Co-Director of Crisis Committees — Daisy Zhao: daisy.crisis@utmun.org
Co-Director of Crisis Committees — Ngila Stone: ngila.crisis@utmun.org
Chief Equity Officer — Riko Fujii: equity@utmun.org
Deputy Equity Officer — Adaora Olisa: deputy.equity@utmun.org
Operations Branch:
Under-Secretary-General of Internal — Aisha Mir: internal@utmun.org
Under-Secretary-General of External — Harvi Karatha: external@utmun.org
Under-Secretary-General of Finance — Braden Chau: finance@utmun.org
Director of Design and Branding — Ethan Currie: design@utmun.org
Director of Communications — Iva Zvaljavic: communications@utmun.org
Chargee D'Affaires — Audrey Foy: registration@utmun.org
Director of Delegate Experience — Max Wong: experience@utmun.org
Director of Logistics — Adrian Lam: logistics@utmun.org
Director of Community Relations — Dhwani Jain: community@utmun.org
General Assemblies (GAs)
United Nations International Conference on Population Development — unicpd@utmun.org
United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency — uniaea@utmun.org
United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (UN CERF) — uncerf@utmun.org
UN TOURISM: untourism@utmun.org
UN BORDERS: unborders@utmun.org
United Nations Strategic AI Management Oversight and Support Agency (UN SAMOSA) — unsamosa@utmun.org
Economic and Social Councils (ECOSOC) & Regional Bodies
Invisible Wars: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) — nato@utmun.org
As the Iron Curtain Falls: Collapse of the Soviet Union, 1991 — ussr1991@utmun.org
Who Watches the Watchers? Privacy in the Age of Surveillance: United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) — unhrc@utmun.org
Foreign Intervention and the Politics of Oil: League of Arab States (LAS) — las@utmun.org
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) — icj@utmun.org
From Loans to Leverage: The World Bank — worldbank@utmun.org
Race for the Planet’s Final Frontier: Arctic Council — arcticcouncil@utmun.org
Specialized Agencies (SAs)
(JSC) r/wallstreetbets – GameStop vs Wall Street — gamestopvwallstreet@utmun.org
Women’s NBA Board of Directors — wnba@utmun.org
2007 Ferrari F1 Boardroom — ferrari@utmun.org
The Social Network: Building Facebook — socialnetwork@utmun.org
Hershey Boardroom 2002 — hershey@utmun.org
Crisis Committees
Cracks in the Crown: Road to Dual Monarchy — dualmonarchy@utmun.org
Rule or Ruin: Mughal War of Succession — mughalwar@utmun.org
Kingdom’s End: Warring States Period — warringstatesperiod@utmun.org
Too Hot to Handle: Spice Wars — spicewars@utmun.org
Unity or Defeat: Alliance of the Itzcoatl — allianceoftheItzcoatl@umun.org
Ad Hoc: adhoc@utmun.org
Registration and Delegate Training and Events begin on Thursday, February 6th, 2025. Opening Ceremonies and formal committee session begins on Friday, February 7th, 2025. The specific and most up-to-date version of the itinerary can be found here.
Over the days of the conference, registration and pre-conference delegate events and training will happen in Hart House (7 Hart House Cir). Committees will be held in various buildings across campus, specifically University College (UC), the Bahen Centre of Information Technology (BA), Sidney Smith Hall (SS) and Hart House (HH). A reminder that all committee sessions will be taking place in your respective committee rooms.
The most up-to-date version of specific room allocations can be found here.